Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Monthly Rant

Monthly Rant

Where did hip hop go ya'll?

Was it lost in a sea of diamonds and gold?

Did it get sidetracked by the allure of easy women and extravagant cars?

Were the listeners dumbed down in the pursuit of fun?

Or is it much deeper than that?

Were we taught to hate the land that the diamonds were ripped from? So that we wouldn't care about the injustices committed?

Were our fathers incarcerated for petty crimes so little black girls could grow up without a positive male image? Only to search for that feeling of self worth in countless partners?

Were our boys fed a slanted image of manhood?

Why do we feel the need to prove ourselves worthy of the world? So much so that we wear our lives out the door.

Why do we take pride in ignorance? I know several people whose only reading habits are magazines and text messages.

Its sad that something that started so positive has become an instrument in the destruction of our people.

I compare current hip hop to a poisonous flower. While its outwardly attractive the weak minded will be poisoned by its backward teachings.

While I love it for showing a side of American life often ignored, there's no balance being broadcasted.

Round the Clock bullshit advertising sex, drugs, violence, and monetary worship.

I'm sick of the state of hip hop and more dissapointed in the state of Black America.


Anonymous said...

r u a poet?

*Future* said...

Thanks for the contribution Bird ur right America is fucked right now.

We gotta stop looking at the rest of America as the standard for how we live though. They had centuries of free labor, We can't catch up to that or make them even slightly jealous. Because while were living paycheck to paycheck for an apartment and a Benz. They have 3 homes paid for and cars that appreciate in value.

The Game Fan said...

So true, but that is easier said than done. We've been chasing a bastardized version of the American dream for I don't know how long. Martin Luther the King even faught for it.

*Future* said...

Aint that the truth

AB said...

Would you believe that AHH is only puttin' up that Soulja boyvid up on their site only now? :-p

Exclusive stuff, Future. That's what's up.

amberlin said...

Hmmmm.....interesting!!!!!! maybe the world will slowly become a better place

Anonymous said...


You know people whose only reading habits are mags and TEXT MSGS? smh... damn shame. I can't even comment on that one.


Anyway, someone left a comment on my blog that u attend college in TX? Which one?

*Future* said...

Shit Breezy its just a community college, Collin County Community College or Quad C. I'm trying to go to UNT though.

The Game Fan said...

Community college is a good look. Its cheap enought to pay for so you don't have to rack up loan dept. My brother graduated from community college before got his bachelor's from Rutgers. I also went to school with people who took all their general classes at community college to save money.

*Future* said...

Yea I know someone literally 20k in debt at the age of 19 that's crazy.